Saturday, June 23, 2007 

Bulgaria's capital least expensive city for expat in Europe report`

Sofia is the least expensive city for expatriates in Europe according to research of UK human recourse consultant company Mercer.

Bulgaria’s capital ranks 108th with a score of 72.5, the report said.

Research was based on information on prices of property, transport, food, clothing, entertainment.

Moscow is the most expensive city in Europe and in the world with a score of 134.4. The appreciation of the ruble against the US dollar and the high residential prices increased the cost of living for expatriates in the city.

London moved three positions up compared to data for 2006 and reached the second place in the ranking.

Other expensive European cities include Copenhagen, Geneva, Zurich, Oslo and Milan.

The world’s most expensive cities after Moscow and London are Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong.

Source: Sofia Echo

Friday, June 22, 2007 

Industrial Property Market in Bulgaria Underdeveloped- report

Industrial property market in Bulgaria is poorly developed as property supply meets 60 per cent of demand.

Most warehouses, production facilities and logistics centres offered on the market are old and in bad condition while prices fail complying with market criteria, Pari daily reported.

Monthly warehouse rent in Sofia vary between 3.5 euro and 4.5 euro per sq m and sales prices between 450 euro and 500 euro per sq m.

The report said that a good opportunity for long-term renting is municipal property due to low prices. Such properties require sufficient amount of initial investment in repair works and reconstruction as the buildings are usually old and in bad condition.

Source: Sofia Echo

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